How to FINALLY Commit to your Morning Routine

Historically, I could stick with a productive morning routine for perhaps a max of 3 consecutive days. 

I’d get on a “kick” - the same way we tend to do when we buy a new journal, juicing cookbook (that’s kind of an oxymoron isn’t it?), or a fresh gym membership.

Then watch and feel shame as my enthusiasm slowly faded.

I’d find myself sleeping in way too late, starting my days sluggishly, or rushing around a the very last minute - Eating Trader Joes’ Taquitos in my car on the way to my office and calling it “Breakfast”

Sometimes you need the right motivator to follow through, and I’ve discovered mine: ANXIETY*

And with the right motivator, you now have a clear PURPOSE.

I'm a chronic "hit-snooze-er" but lately I've found myself having a very hard time sleeping until my alarm, or going back to sleep after waking up in the middle of the night. 

I found myself future-tripping, worrying about finances, and ruminating.

I was trying to fix all of my life's problems from my pillow, while also trying to get a good night's sleep, and wake up rested and fresh.

Knowing this isn't a healthy or sustainable pattern, I dove into my wellness toolkit to look under the hood, assess, and see what I could do for my poor lil brain.


Enter: The Morning Routine.

But not just any morning routine.

Not the Miracle Morning, Not an Ice Plunge, Not a 5am yoga class.

Not an arbitrary list of things some bro with a microphone hocked.

Nothing I’ve copied and pasted from countless “That Girl” morning routines of green juice, and hot lemon water.

Just a simple practice, of easy, achievable, steps, A few “Do’s” and a few “Don’ts”

A practice cultivated and devoted to my peace of mind.


My Morning Peace Ritual.

Giving my Morning Ritual a name AND a purpose, has me connected to it in a deeper way than ever before, and I’m not only following through to put stickers on my chart, but IT’S ACTUALLY WORKING.

I’m finally able to sleep soundly. To wake up rested. To approach my day with a calm mind and full heart.

I have space between the alarm and the scroll


Here’s what it looks like:

  • Coffee - for my Soul. And maybe a banana

  • Guided Meditation - for my Mind. Currently: Deepak Chopra’s 21 Day Abundance Challenge

  • Pulling a card from my Rose Oracle deck - Checking in on what my Guides want me to know

  • Journaling - To bring what’s in my heart out into the world, note anything that came up during meditation, and to record the guidance from the card pull.

  • If there’s time, I will read 1 chapter of whatever personal growth text I’m paging through

  • If it’s nice out, I will take a walk and listen to an inspiring podcast or audiobook.

I only have one rule: I’m not allowed to open my email, or any social media until these items are checked off.

This way, I consciously choose to make room to connect with my inner world, nurture my wellbeing, and fill my cup BEFORE diving into work, life logistics, or the doom-scroll.

This is my daily devotion to my peace.

My ONE tip for you on how to finally commit to your morning routine is this: Name it's purpose in your life. 

Like, what do you imagine this routine doing for you?

How will it benefit you? 

The version of you who follows through on this day after day, what is her life like?

How is it different from your life now?

Will it help you train for that 5k?

Will it encourage you to make healthy choices in your life?

Is it there for you to support your mental health?

Will it help you find the courage and make the aligned choices to finally quit that toxic job/boyfriend/city

Perhaps it's for the sole purpose of simply spending 1-1 time with yourself, before you're a the mercy of the demands of work, kids, school etc.


Once your morning routine has a clear purpose you can whole-heartedly connect to, it becomes a Ritual of Devotion to that purpose. Which is MUCH more attractive than some boring old Morning Routine.

You become more enticed to show up for yourself and follow through on what it is you really want.

The best part is, it’s a living document.

If you thrive off of variety, you can further customize and tailor what you do in that time, to support whatever purpose you’re devoting yourself to. 


So tell me, what sounds more inviting?:

“I start my day with my Morning Routine?” 


“Every morning I make offerings to my mental health”

“Before I start my workday, I complete my own personalized Ritual of Wellness”

“I make myself a priority first thing, by tending to my own inner child”

“I devote my mornings to the woman I am becoming”

I'd love to know:

What are YOU devoting your mornings to?

Leave a comment to inspire others or simply send me the deets of your new Ritual of Devotion.

As always, I'm here to assist if you feel lost, confused or overwhelmed along your wellness journey, simply send me a message, or book a Discovery Call to move forward.


*This is not a substitute for the clinical advice of your own mental health professional*


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